TANA Atlanta Helped USPS Postal Workers

TANA Atlanta Helped USPS Postal Workers

TANA Atlanta Appreciation to unsung Hero’s ,Webbridge Post office Workers for their service during these difficult times

As part of our ongoing support to the first responders in the local communities, TANA Atlanta has recognized and appreciated the efforts and services of doctors at a couple of hospitals and the police department by providing lunch and dinner. One group of workers that do no get noticed, but do yeoman service to the community are the employees at the postal department. To recognize their services, TANA Atlanta team visited the Webbridge postoffice and provided lunch to the staff of around 100 people.

We would like to thank Anjaiah Chowdary Lavu, Srinivas Lavu, Vinay Maddineni, Anil Yalamanchili, Kiran Kolla and many more of our volunteers for coordinating their time and special Thanks to Kiran Kolla for sponsoring foe this cause. We hope to reach out and support many more community service leaders on a continuous basis.