Telangana American Telugu Association (TTA) the first national Telangana organization met at the Marriott Renaissance, Detroit on this weekend Saturday, August 14, for their in person board meeting. President Dr. Mohan Reddy Patlolla, opened the meeting. TTA founding member Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy shared his comments with the fellow AC, EC and BOD. Dr. Pailla applauded the current president Dr. Mohan for his great service and co-ordination among the executive committee members and Board members. He suggested everyone to add new leadership in their local chapters and also asked to focus on bringing new members to the TTA. He tagged past President Bharat Reddy Madadi for his wonderful Presidency in the past with 60 programs despite pandemic. He added comments to everyone to keep up the same energy and get ready for the TTA Mega convention- 2022 in New Jersey. TTA advisory Council chair Dr. Vijaypal Reddy, echoed with founder on President Mohan activities in the past 7 months. He praised on all the TTA activities and asked to maintain the same pace to make the TTA Mega convention-2022 grand success. Dr.Vijaypal reviewed and delivered the TTA by-laws to the board and it was approved. Dr. Haranath Policherla gave his comments to the board that he was already raised the TTA bar high in his presidency and set the goals of TTA mega convention. He thanked everyone for coming to Detroit and felt happy to see extended family in person in his hometown.
Dr. Mohan Patlolla on his presidential remarks; sincerely thanked from bottom of his heart to Executive committee for their support in every decision of his action and requested everyone to come up with new ideas to improve the standards of the service and cultural activities of the TTA. Later, Dr. Patlolla presented his past activities and future plans in his presidency. He promised to everyone that he would deliver/celebrate the best convention to the members of the TTA family. Past President Mr.Bharat Madadi in his remarks thanked everyone in TTA for the overwhelming support in his presidency. Mr. Vamshi Reddy, President elect conveyed his remarks to the board and thanked everyone for their support in current activities of TTA. He expressed that he was much excited to all the BOD’s present in person in current situation. Later, Newly elected board members; Govardhan Reddy Tokala (D.C), Divakar Jandhyam (Boston), Nanda Devi Srirama and Prasad Vuppalapu (Bay Area) took their oath and the first session ended with all the EC remarks and with the congratulations to Best RVP, Narasimha Peruka (New Jersey).
After noon, The second session has started with the best opening of convention fund raising. TTA raised 0.5 Million dollars for their upcoming Mega convention-2022 in New Jersey within thirty minutes. Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy as usual showed his generosity by announcing $100,000 personal donation towards convention. Mohan Patlolla (Convention Chair), Vamshi Reddy (Co-Chair) and Srinivas Ganagoni (Convenor) was happy for the good start and boosted their energy towards the convention activities. TTA EVP Mr. Suresh Reddy Venkannagari, TTA Executive Director Mr. Venkat Gaddam, Treasurer Pavan Ravvapresented RVP, Standing committee and financial updates respectively to the board. The key standing committee Community services chair Mr. Shiva Reddy Kolla presented the TTA COVID taskforce team activities which raised the TTA flag high. ED and community services chair thanked all the members who helped COVID activities day and night. Entire board meeting was facilitated by Srinivas Manapragada, TTA General Secretary.
Saturday evening, The stunning host, Detroit team, Dr. HaranathPolicherla, Mr.Venkat Aekka, Deepthi Miryala and Bharath Jellaarranged a gala dinner with cultural night. Guests were impressed with the arrangements and cultural fest. The significant Telangana culture portrayed in the event with Bonalu and Bathukamma. Local talent was very well presented on the dais with dances and singing. TTA song was launched in the cultural night and music lovers had a feast with the song. Detroit team felicitated Advisory council, Past presidents, President and TTA COVID taskforce team with shawl, bouquet and memento. All attendees said “Ultimately, the board meeting weekend turned out as wonderful cultural weekend in Detroit”. The event was graced by the attendees mainly with Dr. Malla Reddy, Dr. Vijaypal Reddy, Dr. Haranath, Dr. Mohan Patlolla, Bharat Madadi, Vamshi Reddy, Suresh Venkannagari, Srinivas Manapragada, Kavitha Reddy, Venkat Gaddam Pavan Ravva, Harinder Thallapalli, Venkat Aekka, Naveen Goli, Dr. Narasimha Reddy Donthireddy, Mrs. Madhavi Soleti , Anil Errabelli, and other all TTA BOD’s and well-wishers.
Telangana American Telugu Association(TTA) Board Meeting In Detroit
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