American Telugu Association conducted its first ever golf tournament on Sunday August 28th at Stonewall Golf Club, Gainesville, VA. Palpable exhilaration was visible amongst the players at the ATA golf tournament that saw a huge participation from golfers all across the VA & Capital region. Spectacular arrangements were made and sumptuous delicacies were served. 28 Teams participated in the event comprising of 4 member scramble in a shotgun format. Lushy fairways and well maintained greens formed part of this 18 hole stonewall golf course.
Kishore Chennupati’s team comprising of Dinakar Kudum, Rishi Sundaresan, Sundu Venkataramani came first in flight1 with a score of 58 tie break. Second in line were Chandra Dyamangoudar, Anup Gupta, Samish Chawla & Prakash Krishnamurthy. Karan Chilukuri’s team comprising of Shashi Ranganathan, Durai Natarajan, Vikas Kale came First in flight2 with a score of 68 tie break. Second Place was awarded to Bala Perumbala’s team comprising of Krish Ramaiyah Krishnamoorthy, Govind Jagannathan & Sundar.
Contest Winners in the category of Closest to the pin included Sundu Venkataramani for Hole #4 & Saketh Vemnuri for Hole # 12. Longest Drives categories winners included Vikram Kallepu for Hole #6 & Chandra Dyamangoudar for Hole #18. This splendid Golf tournament was hosted under the supervision of Surendar Yedulla, Prasad Tumuluri, Raja Srinivasan, Vikram Kallepu. ATA President Bhuvanesh Boojala congratulated the teams for their participation and invited one and all to the ATA DC conference to be held on July 1,2,3 2022 at Walter E Convention Center in Washington DC. ATA DC Conference Convenor Sudheer Bandaru & Co-Coordinator Ravi Challa congratulated volunteers and the sponsors Somireddy Law firm, Suresh Saribala, Surender Yedulla, Vijay Khetarpal and Lourdes McMichael for their outstanding and gracious support to make this event grand success.
ATA Golfing Event In Washington DC

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