Maha Kumbhabhishekam In Aurora Balaji Temple

Maha Kumbhabhishekam In Aurora Balaji Temple

Venue: Sri Balaji Temple, 1145 Sullivan Rd, Aurora, IL 60506
Date(s): September 10th to 15th 2024

Maha Kumbhabhishekam at Balaji temple, Aurora is scheduled as a five-day religious event beginning September 10th , 2024, with the final grand event culminating on September, 15th , 2024. The daily religious activities are performed in the morning and evening as per practices of Tirupati (Sri Vaikhanasa Bhagavad Shasthra) and Shaiva Agama Shasthra. These include japam, homas/havans, kumbha aradhana, archana, nivedana, purificatory rites, veda and divya prabandha parayanams. This religious ceremony will be performed by a team of over 60 learned priests assembled exclusively for this purpose.


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